Issah Musah
5 min readJul 4, 2024

Microsoft 365 Forms Tutorial

Microsoft 365 Forms is a versatile tool that enables users to create surveys/questionnaire, quizzes, and polls. This guide provides a tutorial on how to use each feature of Microsoft Forms, with step-by-step instructions and figures for reference.

Creating Questions

Click untitled form to type questionnaire name and enter description box below it.

Add optional relevant image on the right-hand side and name the image after attaching it.

Preview: It shows how the questionnaire looks like when it is filled by the respondent and comes with the mobile and computer version.

Figure 1:

Microsoft 365 Forms Interface

1. Choice

Usage: Ideal for multiple-choice questions.


1. Click on ‘Choice’.
2. Enter your question.

3. Enter your answers
3. Add options for respondents to choose from.
4. Optionally, allow multiple selections (Figure 1b) and add an ‘Other’ option for custom answers.

Figure 1b

Showing how to enter questions & Multiple selections.

2. Text

Usage: For open-ended questions where respondents can provide detailed answers. Note that open ended question is suitable for qualitative analysis.


1. Click on ‘Text’ as in Figure 2.
2. Enter your question.

3.In Figure 2b, enter questions title, the question below and the respondent is able to enter an answer.
4. Optionally, enable ‘Long Answer’ for extended responses.

Figure 2.

Selecting Text

Figure 2b.

Showing how to enter text.

Creating Questions General Explanation:

The text question allows the respondents to write their own answers without limiting the respondent to the predefined answers. Click on Add new and choose text questions. After adding the questions, the answer line is left blank for the respondent.

Restriction: the restriction button can be to set numerical restrictions like: Number, less than or equal to, equal to, not equal to see Figure 2c. However, if the question is open for plain text, no restriction is required.

Figure 2c.

Numerical restrictions

Figure 2e.

Showing how to set numerical restriction

3. Rating

Usage: To gather feedback on a scale (e.g., 1 to 5 stars).


1. Click on ‘Rating’. See Figure 5a
2. Enter your question. See Figure 5b.
3. Choose the rating scale (stars or numbers) and set the maximum value.

Add Rating General Explanation:

Just like how we use the Choosing question, and Tex Question, select the “Add rating”. There options like using the star, or number: see Figure 5

Figure 5a.

Select rating questionnaire

Figure 5b.

Selecting the rating of the question

Figure 5c.

Entering your response to the question

Figure 5d.

Rating lowest to highest

Subtitle: Adds extra clarification for the question.

Label: The label helps to rate the lowest (1) and the highest (5) level

Subtitle: Adds extra clarification for the question.

Label: The label helps to rate the lowest (1) and the highest (5) level

4. Date

Usage: For questions requiring a date input.


1. Click on ‘Date’. Figure 6a.
2. Enter your question. Figure 6b.
3. Respondents can select a date from a calendar.

Figure 6a.

Figure 6 b.

Entering Question

5. Ranking


1. Click on ‘Ranking’.
2. Enter your question.
3. Add items to be ranked.

Figure 7a.

To allow respondents to rank options in order of preference.

Figure 7 b.

Shuffling questions in order of preference

Note: Drag and shuffle from six points on the left as in figure 7a or use the arrows on the right as in figure 7c.

Figure 7c.

Shuffling questions in order of preference

Figure 8a.

Rating Survey Question

Note. By clicking on the option, you can rate the following elements of your online experience as shown in Figure 8 above.

Figure 8 b.

Adding statement for the questions to be rated

File Upload:

The file option upload allows respondent to upload question and support limit respondent and file size of about 1GB. Setting can be created to allow only the people within the organization to upload files and the setting if found by the three dots beside the share. See figure 8c

Figure 8c.

6. Likert

Usage: To measure attitudes or opinions on a scale (e.g., Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree). Choose Likert from Figure 9


1. Click on ‘Likert’.
2. Enter your statement.
3. Define the scale (e.g., Agree, Neutral, Disagree).
4. Add additional statements as needed.

7. Net Promoter Score® (NPS)

Usage: To measure customer loyalty. Net Promoter Score from Figure 9a


1. Click on ‘Net Promoter Score®’.
2. Enter your question (typically ‘How likely are you to recommend our product/service?’).
3. The scale is automatically set from 0 to 10.

Figure 9a

Choose questionnaire type from here (e.g. Likert)

Figure 9 b.

Likert Scale

Figure 10.

Advance Setting

Figure 11.

Monitoring Response

Issah Musah
Issah Musah

Written by Issah Musah

My experience range in Engineering, Process Control, and Data Science. It’s my pleasure to explore a quantitative approach to resolving enterprise issues.

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